Author name: samat4105

Railway Monument

The monument reads: “Sign in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Guryev railway branch 1942-1992.” This monument was erected

Monument to Khiuaz Dospanova

Khiuaz Dospanova (1922 – 2008) served as a navigator-gunner in a bomber aviation regiment during the Great Patriotic War. She

Creative Conversation

“Creative Conversation” is a sculptural composition installed in front of the drama theater in the city of Atyrau. This composition

Monument to Abu Sarsenbayev

From 1936 to 1942, Abu Sarsenbayev headed the Kazakh State United Publishing House. By this time, he had already attracted

The Eternal Flame

The Eternal Flame is an inextinguishable flame symbolizing our people’s eternal remembrance of heroes and warriors who sacrificed themselves for

Monument to Abai Kunanbaev

Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbaiuly (1845-1904) was a great Kazakh poet, composer, educator, thinker, public figure, founder of Kazakh written literature and

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