Qurbanǵazy Saǵırbaýly (1823-1879) was a renowned Kazakh composer, dombra player, kuysi, and a pioneer of Kazakh kuy music. He was born in 1823 in the village of Zhideli, now within the territory of West Kazakhstan region. He was from the Kyzylqurt tribe of the Baýly lineage. His musical development was significantly influenced by his teacher, the famous kuysi Uzak. Qurbanǵazy’s kuyi are a cultural heritage not only of Kazakh music but of the entire Turkic world. His compositions, filled with romantic sentiment, epic narratives, and literary content, deeply resonate with listeners.
The great kuysi died in 1879 in the village of Altynjar, Astrakhan Oblast, and was buried there. His kuyi, including “Kishkentai,” “Aqbay,” “Aqsaq kiyek,” “Týrmeden qashqan,” “Adai,” “Aman bol, sheşem, aman bol,” “Qayran sheşem,” “Erten ketem,” “Balbyraun”, and many others, have become part of the Kazakh people’s rich cultural heritage.
On July 4, 2000, a magnificent monument to the great composer Qurbanǵazy Saǵırbaýly was unveiled in Atyrau. The Qurbanǵazy Square is situated in the city center, at the intersection of Maḥambeṭ and Azaṭtyq Streets, opposite the “Shopping Center” building. The square measures 200 meters long and 50 meters wide, covering a total area of 10,000 square meters. A monumental statue of Qurbanǵazy stands in the center of the square. The pedestal is 4 meters high, and the statue itself is also 4 meters tall. Panels depicting Kazakh history and traditions are displayed on either side of the monument, enhancing its aesthetic appeal and significance. This monument plays a crucial role in preserving and showcasing the composer’s legacy for future generations.
The monument’s architect is Qazbek Zharǵapov, and the sculptor is Edige Raḥmadiev. The monument is crafted from bronze. It stands as a testament to Qurbanǵazy’s enduring legacy.