Monument to Khiuaz Dospanova

Khiuaz Dospanova (1922 – 2008) served as a navigator-gunner in a bomber aviation regiment during the Great Patriotic War. She made more than 300 combat sorties. She was awarded the Orders of the Red Star, the Patriotic War I and II degrees, the Red Banner, and the medals “For the Defense of the Caucasus” and “For the Liberation of Warsaw.” She was seriously wounded twice, but returned to service again and met Victory near Berlin.

She was wounded twice, but each time she returned to the ranks. She returned from the war as a disabled person of the II group. Despite the severe injuries she received during the Great Patriotic War, Khiuaz Kairovna led an active public life, was an instructor for the district party committee, secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Kazakhstan, in 1951 she was elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, and at the first session she was elected secretary of the Presidium.

The height of the monument, installed opposite the Atyrau International Airport, is 2 meters 30 centimeters. In the bronze sculpture, Khiuaz Dospanova is immortalized in the image of a girl going to the front.

Author: Bakhytbek Mukhamedzhanov.

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