The ethno-park “Nurly Tal”

The idea for the large spiritual park started with a small school parent committee, and even an old book! In 2015, Gulzhan Turgankyzy, as the chairperson of the parent committee, strove to strengthen cooperation between children and teachers. She organized various sports games, Kazakh art competitions, and provided awards to motivate students.

But most interestingly, at the heart of this idea was a unique 5-volume book “From a wooden cradle to the earth”, which fully covers Kazakh traditions. This book details the customs, upbringing, rituals, superstitions, national games of the Kazakh people, as well as the duties and responsibilities of parents and children, elders and youngers.

Having read this book, Gulzhan Khanum felt a love for her language, nation, homeland, and her interest in history grew. Reading encyclopedias and ethnography, she immersed herself in a unique Kazakh world. In the future, she set a goal to pass on her knowledge from father to son and dreamed of creating an ethno-park that promotes national values.

Five years were spent on bureaucratic, ethnographic, and construction preparations before the dream became a reality. As a result, the ethno-park “Nurly Tal” was created!

The goal of the ethno-park “Nurly Tal” project:

To pass on the national values of the Kazakh people from father to son and to popularize the rich history of the Kazakh people throughout the world.

Directions of the ethno-park “Nurly Tal”:

  1. Complex of national traditions and customs: Special places and exhibitions that demonstrate and present Kazakh traditions and customs.
  2. Local history: Expositions and information platforms that present the history and culture of the region, historical figures.
  3. National cultural events: Concerts, performances, festivals and various events that showcase the national art and culture of the Kazakh people.
  4. National fair: A fair offering handicrafts, national dishes, and other features of Kazakh culture.
  5. Exhibition areas for recreation: Artistic recreation areas intended for the recreation of travelers and visitors.
  6. National game playground: A playground for national games for children and adults.
  7. Square of Batyrs (Heroes): Expositions and sculptures demonstrating the heroism and historical significance of Kazakh Batyrs.
  8. National dombra house: A center presenting the history and use of the Kazakh national instrument dombra.
  9. Exhibition of four types of livestock: An exhibition demonstrating the history and characteristics of four types of livestock of the Kazakh people.

Working hours:

  • Summer season (months 04-10):
    • Daily: from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
  • Winter season (months 11-03):
    • Daily: from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Day off: Monday


  • Atyrau-Erkinkala highway, 61st kilometer

Contact numbers:

  • +7 778 410 4906
  • +7 701 601 5791