Naryn Sands – a special tourist area of the Atyrau region

Naryn-kum is a special natural area in the Atyrau region. This area, with an area of 40 thousand square kilometers, is located north of the city of Atyrau, in the Isatay and Kurmangazy districts.

The climate of Naryn-kum is arid continental. In summer, the air temperature rises to +35°C, and at night it cools down to +4°C. The flora is rich in plants typical of the desert; here you can find saxaul, juzzgun, feather grass, and harmal. In addition, animals such as hares, corsacs, and wolves also live in the sandy area.

For tourists, one of the features of Naryn-kum is sand therapy. The beneficial effects of herbs and sand on the human body help to develop children’s thinking and calm the nervous system. You can improve your health by walking barefoot in the sand, as the biological points of the foot normalize the functioning of the body.

How to get there:

To get to Naryn-kum from Atyrau by car, you must first head to the Kurmangazy or Isatay districts. These districts are located 70-100 km from Atyrau. Once you reach these districts by taxi or private car, you need to ask for directions from locals or use road signs to get to the inner territories of Naryn-kum.

Naryn-kum is a great place for tourists who want to relax in nature. Relaxation on the sandy plains and in the wide steppe invites you to relax in harmony with nature.

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